
Details of some of the presentations and registrations made by PCSA to recognized local and international organizations and entities

Registration of PCSA as a Consulting Firm of the CNT

Registration as Consulting Firm of the National Telecommunications Commission (CNT) (March 17, 1993)

The National Telecommunications Commission (CNT – CNC – current ENACOM), National Telecommunications Control Agency of the Argentine Republic, after evaluating the documentation presented by PCSA that proves its technical, financial and legal suitability included to our Company in the Registry of Consulting Firms and Consultants Specialized in Telecommunications in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 948 CNT/93, notifying us through Note No. 192 GC/93 dated March 17, 1993.

NOTA No. 192 GC/93 issued by the CNT in Buenos Aires, Argentina, dated March 17, 1993, and signed by Eng. Marcos A. Álvarez Control Manager of the CNT, is displayed, by which it is notified to the PCSA Consultant that has been registered in the Registry of Consulting Firms and Specialized Consultants in Telecommunications of the CNT.

Prequalification of Consulting Firms for the Port Modernization Program, Technical Assistance AR-0216 (February 28, 1995)

PCSA presents the documentation that proves its technical, financial and legal suitability to participate in the prequalification process of consulting firms to carry out Technical Assistance AR-0126 in the following items of art. 1 of the Bidding Terms and Conditions:

  • Computer System.
  • Study of Global Environmental Aspects.
  • Port Infrastructure Works Project for the implementation of Environmental Measures.
  • Program Works Supervision.

Registration of PCSA as an IDB Consulting Firm

Registration as Consulting Firm of the Inter-American Development Bank (March 17, 1995)


PCSA, having submitted the BACON 1600 registration form and after the information was carefully reviewed by the Inter-American Development Bank, included PCSA as a Consulting Firm in its records, notifying us by letter RE1/PSO-95.242 dated March 17, 1995.

Letter RE1/PSO-95.242 issued by the IDB in Washington, DC, USA, dated March 17, 1995, and signed by Raquel R. Dunnig Consulting Officer of the IDB, notifying PCSA that has been registered in the Registry of Consulting Firms of the IDB and that it constitutes the Proof of Registration with said Institution.

Inscription of register and Pre-selection of Consulting Firms for the selection of the Health Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (December 18, 1995)

Responding to the call to the Registry convened by the Ministry of Health and Social Action of the Argentine Nation, Secretariat of Health Resources and Programs through the Central Execution Unit (UEC), which would give rise to the selection of firms that will be invited to participate in contests of merits, titles and background to contract professional services related to Programs and/or Projects of Rehabilitation Programs of the Health Infrastructure, Loan Contract 516/OC-AR-BID.

PCSA presents the documentation that proves its technical, financial and legal suitability to participate in the prequalification process of consulting firms in the following areas:

  • Integral adviser in the field of information and communications systems applied to the area of health.
  • Economic and environmental studies applied to the area of health.
  • Integral adviser in the field of architecture and civil engineering applied to the area of health.

Inscription of register and Pre-selection of Consulting Firms for the selection of the Municipal Restructuring Program (February 1996)

Responding to the call for the Registry convened by the Ministry of Health and Social Action of the Argentine Nation, Ministry of Resources and Municipal Restructuring Programs through the Central Execution Unit (UEC), which would give rise to the selection of firms that will be invited to participate in contests of merits, titles and background to contract professional services related to Programs and/or Projects of Health Infrastructure Rehabilitation Programs, Loan Contract 519/OC-AR-BID.

PCSA presents the documentation that proves its technical, financial and legal suitability to participate in the prequalification process of consulting firms in the following areas:

  • Integral adviser in the field of information and communications systems applied to the area of municipal restructuring.
  • Economic and environmental studies applied to the area of municipal restructuring.